First there was this--
Then there was this --
But this is, without a doubt, the greatest motivational speech of all time.
First there was this--
Then there was this --
But this is, without a doubt, the greatest motivational speech of all time.
Posted by Crusader AXE of the Lost Causes at 04:36 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Henry V Animal House Boondock Saints All Saints Day Boston Agincourt Dartmouth
Well, my colleague Gordon Duff who writes and edits sort of for Veterans Today, a site where I write occasionally under an assumed name, has nailed a few things in this piece. If you spend money on soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines you get a certain level of quality. If you spend the money on contractors, you'll get a different level of quality. If you don't care, than KBR and Xe are probably whom you want; if you care, then you want soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines. If you want the best led, best trained, best equipped, most professional fighting force to project your power and protect your shores and children, you probably want soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines. If you really don't give a shit, then the Blackwaters, KBRs, Dyncorps, etc. all make perfect fucking sense. But, if fool yourself that you have bought some excess quality, forget it. Doesn't happen. There is no such thing as excess quality. The rifle either works in the firefight or it doesn't. The water is either safe to drink, or it isn't. The showers are either safe or they aren't.
I've been angry at the administration for months. I happen to think that the only one of the big players among the government leadership -- both Houses of Congress, the Executive Branch -- who seems to have any stones are Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden and Hilary Clinton. However, the people who brought you Iraq, TARP, the bailout are the same assholes who brought you KBR, Xe, and on and on and on and on. Fucked as things are right now, they would be worse had Batshit and Batshittier and their party triumphed in the last election.
Obama joked today to a Labor Union Crowd that the Republicans talk about him like a Dog. Well, DAWG, bell those goddamn cats. There are eight weeks left, and between the truth -- the Republicans have blocked, eviscerated and misled all real reform and aid and recovery and the Dems have been trying to play nice because that's the way they are, nice, reasonable people --and the Tea Party, this should be a no-brainer. But, if you aren't willing to say, we tried to do this, and we got that; what they're saying is insane; business needs to produce for the entire community, not just the wealthy and here is how they can, and how they'll be rewarded, I feel your pain, I felt your pain growing up and as a young man, it's my pain too -- then go the fuck away. I know that Obama, like Lincoln, wanted to be the President of All the People, but I suspect Lincoln didn't see Lee, Forrest, and Davis as his constituents on 1864.
It's one thing to be magnaminous and reach out an understanding hand. However, when they try to smash that hand with a hammer, it's probably time to stop being magnaminous and just slap 'em silly. If not, then you don't need or deserve the bully pulpit. You need to crawl into the stagecoach, like John Adams, and head back for your nonexistent version of America's Athens.
Posted by Crusader AXE of the Lost Causes at 09:19 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Crusader AXE was fairly pissed off by the Beckapoloosa or whatever it was to begin with. That said, it doesn't appear that he shilled gold, cried or was annointed by angels. It happened, and I guess a lot of people went home feeling...What exactly? They left the illiterate racist signs home, some we now know who is really in charge...Glenn Beck. No obvious gun violations, which since the Memorial is in the District and on Federal Land, is probably reasonable. No Biker Chicks to suck start your Hells Angels providing security. Oh, yeah, that was Altamont. You know what would have helped -- a crowd of drunken frat boys chanting, "SHOW US YOUR TITS, SARAH!"
But, I guess it was what it was; from my point of view, a disappointment. Seriously, it strikes me like a very crowded Hemp Fest -- lots of true believers, some jam-band/wing-nut riffs from the stage, and I'm sure a bunch of people wandering around selling love beads and hash pipes/NoBama and ProPalin stuff. It was about stuff. Not good stuff, not the best stuff, just stuff. And, a lot of people wandering around trying to either figure out what it's all about or trying to score or trying to get laid. Probably as unsuccessfully as at Hemp Fest...
Posted by Crusader AXE of the Lost Causes at 12:46 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Posted by Crusader AXE of the Lost Causes at 03:42 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Posted by Crusader AXE of the Lost Causes at 10:51 AM | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
Posted by Crusader AXE of the Lost Causes at 01:30 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Meltdown
The major Irish nationalist party, Sinn Fein, is warning it will withdraw from the 2 1/2-year-old coalition – triggering its collapse – unless the Protestant side accepts the need to transfer control of Northern Ireland's justice system from Britain to local hands. Britain and Ireland both back the transfer. Sinn Fein formally accepted the authority of the Northern Ireland police as part of the deal, ending decades of support for Irish Republican Army attacks on the security forces. But the Protestants of the Democratic Unionist Party are blocking the move until Sinn Fein meets other demands, including permission for Protestant fraternal groups to parade near Catholic districts, an annual sectarian tradition that caused widespread rioting until restricted in the late 1990s.
Of course, this is what started the Civil Rights Movement. I guess it's not easy being Orange; Kings Billy and James are kind of not factors anymore. I personally think the Orange Men need to hire Mr. Happiness to provide some consulting experience.
Posted by Crusader AXE of the Lost Causes at 02:05 PM | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
Old Dad AXE told me in the mid-70s that, "Kid, nothing ever happens until somebody gets off their damn ass, stops talking and does some goddamn thing about whatever it is that needs to be done. All the rest of it is just friggin' around." Events this week have made me think the old man was prescient. When the old bastard was wrong, he was very wrong. But, 75% of the time, he was right on.
As I look back, the past year has been a real downer. While I don't think the Massachusetts thing was as universal as some people seem to believe, I've been getting steadily more tired of where we are compared to where we should be, and how unlikely it is that we're ever going to get any goddamn place except further down the wormhole...which is ultimately full of worms. Frank Rich provides a great analogy and perspective this morning in the Times.
And yet they still don't get it. Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Joe Biden and others have a clue, while everybody else is wandering around trying to take the temperature of the marble statues and issuing prognostications. Roll out the "malefactors of great wealth speech 24/7, and make something positive happen. Now, real and that will affect the majority of Americans who are hurting. By the way, most Americans are hurting.
Rich goes on to discuss the healthcare debacle. Citing the ever-increasingly interesting Howard Fineman of Newsweek, he quoted Fineman's line during the post-election coverage of Brown's march to victory when he said on MSNBC, “Obama took all his winnings and turned them over to Max Baucus.” Fineman had one of the great lines on MSNBC about the Supreme Court Decision to open up to what is in effect the deregulation and privatization of American government by allow companies to spend as much as they want to on political contributions, when he told Obermann something to the effect that sometimes he thought Keith gets "turbo-charged" on issues but in that case, he wasn't really displaying the necessary passion and concern.
Rich points out that health care has turned from a simple issue -- affordable coverage for all -- into a giant hairball. If you remember those silly "if roadies ran the airports, if firemen ran the government" commercials, unless your internal Hobbit has taken over to the point that you can no longer wear shoes or use the higher urinals, you have to admit that they made sense. Fuck the insurance companies -- throw a few CEOs, CFOs and COOs in jail for price fixing and exploitation, and dismantle the whole fucking system. Rich points out the absurdity of what's going on.
Rich issues a somewhat nuanced but passionate call to arms -- "It’s too late to rewrite that history, but it may not be too late for
White House decisiveness. Whatever happens now — good, bad or ugly —
must happen fast. Each day Washington spends dickering over health care
is another day lost while the election-year economy, stupid, remains
intractable for Americans who are suffering." Frankly, he's so right that it isn't funny.
Nuance really has limited place for leaders of mass organizations when they are engaged in leading. If nothing else, we should be able to agree that if only by default Obama is the leader with the bully pulpit and these United States are in fact a mass organization, although one that may be moving toward being fatally conflicted. The British parliamentary system really shows an advantage here -- the cabinet secretaries and various Lords this and Chancellor that's are serving members of the legislative and they are required to run their departments so that they work. The civil servants are respected technocrats who know their shit and try to make the policies work. If you dick up, on you're watch, you're gone. There are problems in the UK, it's not ideal -- but, while you have people like Michelle Bachmann and Jim Demint in parliament, they just have no impact. There really is a need for constitutional reform in this country, but that's another rant entirely.
While I think that the Rich may be underestimating the pent up demand in this country for results -- jobs, interest rates, reductions in fees paid to banks and long distance carriers and everything else -- as well as intangibles like, oh, that whole hope thing, he is right when he says that Obama has to reconnect. Where does it say that the economists and the bankers get to run things? Ultimately, they are technocrats, and that's fine. Don't let technicians with high salaries run your business, in this case, run your country, your party and your future. Provide goals to go with the vision, set a timetable with non-negotiable deadlines, preach the vision and the goals and kick ass/take names/and take the fuckers to the wall who get in the way. Make it personal for them like they do for you, and for us.
One of the folks I used to have the privilege of managing for GINORMOUS could not get her arms around Obama. Part of it was the whole Democrats are bad for defense mythology, I suspect part of it might be racist although I never saw any other signs of it, and part of it was fear. However, she would say, "I don't trust Obama...I just can't trust Obama." Linda's instincts are generally good. You know, if he wants to get the Linda's of the world to trust him even a little, he needs to do some goddamn thing besides shoot hoops for photo ops and occasionally pass out soup to the poor. He needs to produce something...any goddamn thing. In a finite space, and 18 months is not a finite space in politics with the 24/7 news cycle. Take some chances, make some mistakes but get things done. One reason the Bush administration was able to get so much done was that they cut through the bullshit. If this is a contest between who does management better, lawyers or MBAs, we're screwed. The left today should appeal to the people on the basis of its ideas. We have some, they have t-bags and lapel pins. Put the damn things to work. Use the Reagan approach -- are you better off now than you were in 1999? What do we need to do to get everyone back to 1999? Everyone, not just the bankers and the lawyers and the lobbyists.
Rich cites Obama's examination and review of policy decision making leading up to the Vietnam war as a positive. I tend to think we learn more from disasters than from successes, but deciding not to repeat the failures of the past can lead to sheer entropy. He suggests that Obama pay attention to the things that Kennedy did that weren't disasters. Vietnam was a long, unfolding disaster, and the whole Bay of Pigs thing was a short-fused disaster that was running out of control prior to January 20, 1961. He just didn't stop it. However, in other issues, the Kennedy team had ideas, balls and did what needed to be done within a finite space in time and with damn little doubt as to what the possible results were going to be. While the Cuban missile crisis comes to mind, and the Civil Rights Movement has to be a factor, I'm thinking of economic populism, the Steel crisis.
If it seems hard to imagine a time when manufacturing could threaten the stability of the country's economic and political system, well, we just saw what happens when banking breaks the rules. Basically, there was an agreement in place that kept the market for steel relatively stable and productive, but the Chairman of US Steel decided he wanted to have a better "ROI" and unilaterally decided to change the rules. JFK and his team went berserk. He raised so much hell and started so many things in motion that Big Steel caved in two days.
While Kennedy slammed his fist on the bully pulpit, his team was backstage negotiating but from positions of strength. "You just did something unacceptable, there will be consequences if you don't undo it, so where do you want to go from here?" JFK didn't have the kind of majorities in the House and Senate that Obama has, but he didn't hesitate to take action. Government was much more bi-partisan then, and he could assume some common sense from the Republicans. Well, there is no common sense available to appeal to today, so Obama really ought to leave the door open but govern like he has a pair. Bush kept the door closed unless he wanted a photo-op. Rich points out something intriguing to me although I'm not sure what it means. As an Irish American and Catholic by culture if not belief, I wonder if subconsciously Obama is as confident as he seems. The issue of class and readiness to lead strikes me as a concern that may limit him. Obama is not, of course, the typical African-American. Nor were the Kennedy's typical Irish Americans. But, their roots and background were definite...laughing Micks with a touch of the crazed Celt warrior. Who's Barrack Obama besides someone who can dance well and talk better? Still, that's for another time.
Here's Rich:
The incident unfolded in April 1962 — some 15 months into the new
president’s term — when J.F.K. was infuriated by the U.S. Steel
chairman’s decision to break a White House-brokered labor-management
contract agreement and raise the price of steel (but not wages).
Kennedy was no radical. He hailed from the American elite — like Obama,
a product of Harvard, but, unlike Obama, the patrician scion of a
wealthy family. And yet he, like that other Harvard patrician, F.D.R.,
had no hang-ups about battling his own class.(AXE commentary: In fact, both JFK and FDR reveled in discomforting the comfortable. On race, religion, class, economics, justice, they had a ball doing just that. If you have to be stern all the time, where's the fun in fighting the might for the right? )
Kennedy didn’t
settle for the generic populist rhetoric of Obama’s latest threats to
“fight” unspecified bankers some indeterminate day. (AXE commnetary: Finite time, finite space. Not mistakes were made, but "he's trying to undermine the economy!" I can see the fat cat, I can get a picture, I can envision his life. When you're in a fight, you need to know whom you're fighting. Composites don't work...)He instead took the
strong action of dressing down U.S. Steel by name. As Richard Reeves
writes in his book “President Kennedy,” reporters were left “literally gasping.” The young president called out big steel
for threatening “economic recovery and stability” while Americans
risked their lives in Southeast Asia. J.F.K. threatened to sic his
brother’s Justice Department on corporate records and then held firm as
his opponents likened his flex of muscle to the power grabs of Hitler
and Mussolini. (Sound familiar?) (AXE commentary: Why, yes.The hysteria thing would be hilarious now...part of the charm for this approach, for me, is the thought of Michelle Bachmann, Glen Beck and Anne Coulter having on the air aneurysms over the loss of "freedom." Without economic justice, there is no liberty. ) U.S. Steel capitulated in two days. The Times soon reported on its front page that Kennedy was at “a high point in popular support.”
So, what's it going to be? Jimmy Carter or the unfulfilled promise of the once and future King? Given my belief that Mizer was right and life is 60/40 against, I need to point out that those are not bad odds. Not bad at all. I'd take that bet, especially in context. In the current situation, given the liklihood of success without change in direction, substance, tone and texture, I'd put it on black and roll the damn dice. But, obviously, I'm not a serious person, dealing with serious problems here. We need studies, Czars, maybe a commission...well, fuck that. Audacious hope without action is seriously a form of negative masturbation. Not some goddamn thing.
Posted by Crusader AXE of the Lost Causes at 02:02 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
God Hates Lady Gaga I have not paid any attention to Lady Gaga. Can't imagine why I should. However, in much the way I intend to buy a sweater at the Gap because of the whole Solstice devil worshipping commercial, I now agree to pay a few moments attention to her. Him? It? I really don't care...Fred Phelps, the lunatic pastor who consistently tells us that God hates Fags and therefore it's right to protest the funerals of fallen soldiers because God hates FAGS!...Fred the Brain Dead anti-Christian Christian who brings a whole new level of dweebness and fun to fundamentalism has decided to take on the Lady herself...Just him and his bunch of thyroid-eyes, mouthbreathing, demi-army of Twits who are giving dipshits everywhere a bad name because of their antics. He is beside himself, as the guys in his parade probably pud-pull to images of her ladyship...
Gaga's thoughts on gayness, not on Phelps according to The Congressional Record ...
Well, Wet-Fred-the-Brain-Dead has another take on the whole thing...You gotta love the whole forehead of a whore thing. It's like the bald hipster saying Howie Long has cop hair. Seriously, this guy is to religion what Disco Demolition was to baseball promotions and Tom Delay was to the whole Saturday Night Fever Revival.
So, while I'll probably hate it, here is Lady Gaga doing something or other. I intend to get the sweater at GAP on Monday...and chuckle.
Posted by Crusader AXE of the Lost Causes at 12:27 AM | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Westboro Baptist Church
Posted by Crusader AXE of the Lost Causes at 12:13 AM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
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