come from an island, Ireland, a nation
Built upon violence and morose vendettas.
My diehard countrymen like drayhorses
Drag their ruin behind them.
Shooting straight in the cause of crooked thinking
Their greed is sugared with pretence of public spirit.
From all which I am an exile. -- Louis MacNeice
The Partition of Ireland remains the gift that keeps on giving. Michael Collins has got to be laughing in his Guinness. Or, to look at it another Protestant politicians make a porno! And, George Michael the former Senator--no, wait, George Mitchell, the former Senator --and Bill Clinton are obviously to blame for Missus Robinson and the lad with the restaurant...although, what sort of woman gives her lover $80K to open restaurants and then asks for 20% kickback fo Jaysus and the Orange Order and Presbyterian Church? I think this is really kind of cool in a Gonzo way. Presbyterian political women have mid-life crises? Wouldn't it have been easier to get this gal a Rolex, a Miata, and a chihuahua and a membership in a tennis club with a Gay, Argentinian Tennis Instructor...
"She looked out for me to make sure I was OK," McCambley told the BBC. (AXE commentary: Sure.)He said Iris Robinson, now 60, gave him two checks for 25,000 pounds
($40,000) each, but she then asked him for 5,000 pounds ($8,000) back,
possibly to donate to the evangelical Protestant church she attends. (AXE amazement: Semen money instead of blood money? Protestants got indulgences?)
The BBC said Peter Robinson was aware of the financial deal – which should have been reported to British parliamentary standards authorities in both Belfast and London. Peter Robinson denies having known about the deal. (AXE commentary: Well, he was probably reading something and she announced she was giving the lad some money to invest in a restaurant because he did such a great job on boiled sheep stomach and lentils, and he said, "Sure, dear. You're in my light...or words to that effect. Or, she was threatening him with sex...)
Even before the scandal, Iris Robinson had caused her husband political problems when she condemned homosexuals as revolting and called on them to seek help from psychiatrists and Christianity. "Just as a murderer can be redeemed by the blood of Christ, so can a homosexual," she said. ( AXE praeteritio:(Yeah, it's a word, look it up in any text on rhetoric! In Greek it's this παράλειψις; it's also called paralipsis, and one of the texts indicates that it's primarily used for ad hominem attacks. Well, we'll refrain from gay-bashing here, having used up our supply of the blood of Christ for more natural abhorrent practices like sex with women and speeding past schools. )Having just posted about the Magdalene laundries, what the fuck can I do with this...pass! It's too easy...)...
And then, the human interest slant:
The exposure of Iris Robinson's affair had Protestants and Catholics united in gossip Friday – including at the Lock Keepers Inn, McCambley's thriving cafe on a popular River Lagan walkway. McCambley himself spent most of the morning standing outside the inn talking on his cell phone. Then he carefully walked across an icy river bridge to a waiting car without speaking to journalists who had also poured into the inn. "It is just such a surprise, to think with someone so young," said Janice Richards, 33, sipping tea with her baby asleep beside her in a stroller. Another customer, 43-year-old Carol Blaney, leaned over and agreed furtively: "I know there is the whole political thing. But to me it is the fact he is so young." (AXE commentary: Young and nubile? Wait...would this be a big deal if she had gone after a more mature man like, oh, Sean McGowan? Now, that's an image...proper Protestant lady and the principal Pogue. Bring a whole different slant to the Pogue Mahon bit. It would have been better still if the politicians boy toy had actually been a girl...heheheheh. Protestant pobahs plunging into the port and perusing pictures of perverted political girl on girl pederasty...or some such! )
Of course, there is a lot of serious political crap going on here... Martin McGuiness and the IRA are concerned that the lad might have been traumatized by the Mrs. Robinson bit, the Orange Order feels betrayed, and will the Peace Process survive? Well, Gerry Adams and Marty besides, the Nationalist Movement has a history of rejecting its leaders over sex, so why not the Protestant Boys? The Orange Order has always felt betrayed since before they left Scotland. It was easier for Cromwell to ship them to Ulster than exterminate them in Scotland. They were pissed off ever since. And, if the Peace Process doesn't survive, I suspect it was never real anyway. If its not strong enough to survive this bullshit, well...
Peter Robinson's many political rivals in Northern Ireland have questioned whether he can remain head of a shaky coalition with Irish Catholics _the central achievement of the province's 1998 peace accord. Many within his own Democratic Unionist Party – a movement with a deeply conservative Protestant base – expressed doubts about his political survival as well. ( AXE commentary:The guy replaced Paisley. A technocrat replaced a giant of hatred, intolerance and bitter reminiscence of various massacres of Catholics throughout his career? What hope did he ever have?) Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness, the senior Irish Catholic in the coalition, sought an urgent meeting Friday with Robinson but failed to get one. The two have had an increasingly tense relationship in the past year. (AXE commentary: Yeah. Before it was just great. They go down to the Pub and talk about the good old days when Marty was leading the armed struggle and they were both trying to kill each other in the interest of Jesus Christ. Sad when old friends fall out.)The political tensions coincide with ongoing attacks by IRA dissidents against police and British soldiers in Northern Ireland...
Now, if the world-weary, cynical old United States can get utterly befuddled by Monica Lewinsky and this current issue of the big-dicked weasel from the Budget Office, and on and on and on, ad infinitum and ad nauseam as they say in Lubbock, with our somewhat more liberated view of sex and human nature and forgiveness and David Vitter hiking the Appalachian trail and so on, WHAT THE HELL WILL THIS DO IN NORTHERN IRELAND, where the Weltanschauung is, shall we say, somewhat Talibanian?
No, Ireland needs Brendan Behan and Liam Clancy and Sean O'Casey to handle this. Bono and the Edge aren't up to it, and McGowan doesn't write enough of his own stuff anymore...I actually feel sorry for Mrs. Robinson and her husband. And, may god in his mercy be kind to Belfast...which would be a first.
A city built upon mud;
A culture built upon profit;
Free speech nipped in the bud,
The minority always guilty. --Louis Macniece
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