I'm struggling to write an article about critical thinking and issues like government, conspiracy theories and related nonsense. However, doing other things. Two key issues popped up this week that are worth commenting on. The first is the Bob Dole repudiation of the current Republican party. Dole was an authentic American hero and statesman -- let's remember that he resigned his seat in the Senate and as Majority Leader in his run for the Presidency in 1996. And yeah, he had fun with himself in the Viagra thing as well as with the American Express commercials and others. He was renowned as a man of his word, a true statesman and an authentic American hero. I voted for Clinton; but, I would have been fine with Dole as President. Next, of course, we have Michelle Bachmann leaving the political stage, for no reason that anyone can discern from her chopped word salad of an explanation...well actually, that she can discern. I have my own thoughts on this -- one of the on-going bits of snark about her has been the continuing question of her husband's masculinity. I suspect that they are pretty much like Mr. and Mrs. Cleaver in Iowa circa 1957, although the thought of a bi-sexual S&M coven in the basement of his "Pray Away the Gay" clinical psychology practice is amusing to some extent while being very creepy in others. How screwed up do you have to be or does your insurance have to be to go to MICHELLE FREAKIN" BACHMANN'S husband for therapy? The timing of her announcement -- on YouTube, while visiting Russia in her role as a member of the House Intelligence Committee (OXYMORNOS are US in the Modern ReAublican Party under the leadership of John Boehner and Eric Cantor) saying it has nothing to do with the on-going investigations is too cute by a long, long mile. Still, FOX needs a replacement for Sarah Palin and Bachman is smarter, better educated, better credentialed and has far more disciplined that the Madonna of Wasilla. She's better looking than Palin, dances better and won't say "gotcha, whatcha" so often. And, she's not as insane as Alan West. WIN/WIN. So, I suspect we'll still have her to kick around.... Finally, and what led to this brief post, was the shocking news that Dame Maggie Smith, Dame Helen Mirren, Sir Michael Caine and Emma Watson are not going to appear in Machete Kills. Instead, we get the exciting vision of Charlie Sheen as US President saying those immortal words ranking up there with Harrison Ford's "Get off of my plane!" I'm president of the United States, man..." while holding a machinegun. Sophia Vergera is wandering around screaming "Ma-chete!" wearing rags and a steel cone bra; Mel Gibson is in it as is Lady GaGa in her acting debut, and Jennifer Biel. And, of course, Dany Trejo as US Federal Agent Machete recruited by President Sheen...Nothing so captures our current zeitgeist so well as this thing. We are soooooooo screwed.