Now, we don’t know who will win next year’s presidential election. But the odds are that one of these years the world’s greatest nation will find itself ruled by a party that is aggressively anti-science, indeed anti-knowledge. And, in a time of severe challenges — environmental, economic, and more — that’s a terrifying prospect. --Paul Krugman
More than anything else in the current cultural malaise and existential doldrums, this convinces me that we are all fucking doomed!
Pop culture aside, I'm having a problem with writers block -- too much stuff to comment on, and just not enough time or energy to do so. CIA and MI5 sent people to black sites in Libya? Why not -- if you decide to operate in a complete moral vacuum, why not do the worst things possible in the name of...what, exactly? Freedom? Big oil? The Mets? Sarah Palin announcing that polls are for strippers and starting to hint that what the world needs is someone to refudiate the big oil companies while eliminating corporate income taxes? Why not...SAS and Foreign Legion operators wandering the streets of Tripoli, popping up on the Al Jezera website and then popping off? Why not ? What the hell? So, the Arab network is actually in the pay of the Windsors and the Reptillians? Where the hell is Lyndon LaRouche when you need him?
White House can't get its schedule straight, asks for a joint session and then agrees to however many people are currently running for the GOP nomination can get together and sprout platitudes, say really crazy shit, and complain about each other. Jesus and Tax Cuts will really work things out... Romney will release his job plan which is going to be exactly like Huntsman's and exactly like Boehner's and totally unrelated to the problem and is very much like Ron Paul's except Romney doesn't demand the execution of Bill Bernanke and like Sarah Palin's except for the lack of fish and exactly like Bachmann's only without the references to Jerusalem and rapture...and I'm supposed to comment on this shit rationally? Jon Huntsman is doing so, and he's rapidly getting to be like the Alan Rickman robot in The Hitchhiker's Guide only less likeable. And, less right...
As for Rick Perry, smite him Tiffany, smite him! The guy was barely a C student majoring in Cows-Pigs-Chickens-Manure at what was at the time a relatively low-rate school and got a D in Economics taught by that great Liberal Thinker, Phil Graham...he differentiates himself from W by proudly claiming to be dumber than Bush...and there is nothing about the guy that is attractive to anyone except those whose ass he kisses. Secede from the US? Why not? Use Predator Drones on the Border? Sure...that'll fly until the big agricultural interests note that what's happening in Georgia and Alabama where there's nobody to pick the goddamn cotton and corn -- in so far as there is any after the fires and drought and various pestilences Texas is suffering from -- but it sounds good on the stump, up in Iowa.
So, in Iraq there are daily bombings and crap, but no one notices because we're not getting bombed or crapped on too much and Geraldo and Richard Engle are otherwise occupied. In Afghanistan, we're watching it all turn to shit because we tried to do entirely too much that we were neither capable nor resourced nor interested in doing. And, Dick Cheney is wishing Hillary Clinton was President. Well, so do I. She probably would have had the intestinal fortitude to go after Cheney and Bush for war crimes...and, she represents what's left of the Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party to a large extent. Obama? What the hell is that all about? When he figures it out, call me...I am curious. Hamlet was a lousy general; he may have been the smartest dude in Elsinore, but how exactly did that go for him?
Tom Morello was on Keith Olbermann's new gig last week, and told how he was inspired by visiting Madison during the protests...he showed up and the next day found himself playing a borrowed guitar and harmonica and performing for 100000 people in the streets of the state capital. One other thing that struck him was the convergence. He said that he's played hundreds of rallies and protests, but in this case there were anarchists standing next to cops and they were both applauding and jumping around and having a good time.
I'd kinda like to have a good time again. Seriously, where is Lyndon LaRouche when you need him? Not that he'd be much help, but what the hell, can't quantify crazy...
Wherever there are people, there will be popular culture. It is inescapable. Students cannot be sheltered from it. Even if they don't engage the primary outlets themselves, they live and move in a peer society influenced by the pop culture. In today's world, the advent of MTV and the Internet has facilitated the effective exportation of North American youth culture around the globe.
Posted by: Jackey Worden | 06 January 2012 at 10:04 PM
Yeah, pop culture and the exportation of youth Travolta said in Broken Arrow, ain't it great!
Posted by: Crusader AXE | 08 January 2012 at 09:56 PM