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  • "I think they are all homosexual communists in Satan's army...I espect as well they all live together and bathe together every morning and have the anal sex with one another, with the fisting and the guinea pigs." - Manuel Estimulo

  • "motards" - Bravo Romeo Delta of Anticipatory Retaliation

  • "I can never quite tell if the defeatists are conservative satirists poking fun at the left or simply retards. Or both. Retarded satire, perhaps?" - Kyle

  • "You're an effete fucktard" - Jeff Goldstein of Protein Wisdom

  • "This is the most pathetic blog ever..." - Ames Tiedeman

  • "You two [the Rev and el Comandante] make an erudite pair. I guess it beats thinking." - Matt Cunningham (aka Jubal) of OC Blog

  • "Can someone please explain to me what the point is behind that roving gang of douchebags? I’m being serious here. It’s not funny, and doesn’t really make anything that qualifies as logical argument. Paint huffers? Drunken high school chess geeks?" - rickinstl

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18 January 2011


mac cosmetics outlet

You seem to grasp it though, so I think you ought to run with it. I’m very glad that a writer like you invests your time in a meaningful and useful way in which you share your knowledge with the people around you especially us bloggers.It looks like going to be a sunny day.Hope everyone keep good mood.Thanks a lot!

Crusader AXE

Besides the obliviousness of most of my commentators, I gotta say, this Alabamdamna thing bugs me on a lot of levels. Perhaps the most important is simply this -- while I think this is funny, ignorant, and generally not a smart move on the part of the Governor, there are a lot of people who either think, "It's about time someone said that..."or "Damn right...goddamn Muslim-Jew-Buddhists-Atheists-Communists" or "So what's the big deal."

Brian M

Maybe Lincoln was wrong? If the South had "remained free" and eventually split into the "Christian Republic of Mississippi" and "The Holy Empire of Upper Virginia" and the like, there would not be enough money for the trillion dollar military and two...three...four however many wars we are now engaged in?

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