I've actually been thinking about this , but in my vocation as a dilletante and not as an economist. Of course, I'm not an economist. Still, the author has two cogent points -- First, the capitalist system is based on markets for goods and services and the LABOR MARKET IS UTTERLY FUCKED UP!; and, b. both parties are totally missing the point of the exercise which is to get people creating value by putting them to work in a meaningful way. Bitch, moan, complain whatever, the facts are pretty straightforward, and it's not just that we're in a recession which is a big deal by definition. Rather...
My argument is no, this isn’t just another bad experience. Its a failure of our most basic institutions and is leading to pure loss.
It would be as if the door to your apartment was ripped off and heat was spilling out into the atmosphere and people said “Well you know sometimes you have deal with the cold, lets talk about the ideal size of an apartment. Big ones are draftier you know. No small ones cool down too quickly”
What! No! Lets fix the fucking door. Do you understand: the door is missing. This is not the time to argue about ideal apartment size, this is the time to keep our heat from spilling out purposelessly.
Amen, brother.