Again, it's confusing. Not many a lesser demon appears from the fiery depths of hell with a penchant for human food. You'll usually find a hell-beast hell bent on devouring souls. Or babies. Or baby souls. Rarely do you find one who wants sandwiches. And when you do, if you're in Washington D.C. to protest taxation (is that why they're here?), well then for some reason the sandwichery strikes a menacing chord.
Well, the demon found the teaparty people he met fairly generous, getting so many sandwiches he fed a bunch of them to ducks. He did not get his ass whipped, although there were some people who discussed it with him. He appears to be David Cross, comedian and cast as a possible homosexual opposite Portia de Rossi in Arrested Development.
At the same time, there was a case of exploitative violence at the George Washington University Deli. Yokels in Tea Bagger regalia supposedly came in, got incensed that the District was going to tax the paper bags that they wanted the sandwiches in, and got so angry one of these fine Americans threw the sandwich in the face of the kid behind the counter...who was probably a student trying to pay the incredibly overpriced tuition and costs associated with going to school in DC, so he can get a good job and live the American dream...which does not include dealing with outoftown assholes. And, the kid was probably from Wyoming or some other goddamn place. If they'd thrown the sandwich at Marion Barry, that might have made sense, cosmicly.