Crusader AXE was fairly pissed off by the Beckapoloosa or whatever it was to begin with. That said, it doesn't appear that he shilled gold, cried or was annointed by angels. It happened, and I guess a lot of people went home feeling...What exactly? They left the illiterate racist signs home, some we now know who is really in charge...Glenn Beck. No obvious gun violations, which since the Memorial is in the District and on Federal Land, is probably reasonable. No Biker Chicks to suck start your Hells Angels providing security. Oh, yeah, that was Altamont. You know what would have helped -- a crowd of drunken frat boys chanting, "SHOW US YOUR TITS, SARAH!"
But, I guess it was what it was; from my point of view, a disappointment. Seriously, it strikes me like a very crowded Hemp Fest -- lots of true believers, some jam-band/wing-nut riffs from the stage, and I'm sure a bunch of people wandering around selling love beads and hash pipes/NoBama and ProPalin stuff. It was about stuff. Not good stuff, not the best stuff, just stuff. And, a lot of people wandering around trying to either figure out what it's all about or trying to score or trying to get laid. Probably as unsuccessfully as at Hemp Fest...