Odd combination of self-loathing and narcissism. Frankly, I have problems with the whole thing...Jackson is a perverted twit, and that we still notice him is absurd in itself. Kind of like Newt Gingrich...Newt can draw a crowd and so can this moonwalking sociopath.
No particular reason for the video, except to help get rid of the mental. I own a museum-quality hand-and-a-half sword, and I find it awkward to exercise with. I think my wrist is bigger than Michael's arm. So fantasy, combined with silliness. Maybe the firing sword is a post-Christian comment, or maybe Michael is being rewarded for driving out the sinners. Michael is the Captain of Heaven, and in this dweeb's collection of tropisms, I could see him seeing his role as that of Neverland's Captain, and Neverland is Eden...only the snake is all the women he's had issues with.
Or, and this is possible, he just saw a Pictar film with Buzz Lightyear and figured armor would give him that hit, contemporay and masculine appearance he's been trying to get...
No reason for the video, except I wanted to expose anyone looking at this because they goggled my namesake here with what happens to good rock music with time as opposed to what that dancing queen created.