Crusader AXE is unhappy with Sirius/XM. When I want to listen to Alt Country music, I don't want to listen to Mojo Nixon or Johnny Knoxville droning on and on about the size of Porter Waggoner's member. Hank Williams Jr is not an outlaw. He's a drunk. And on and on...XM used to have some exceptional programming that was accessible --Wednesday was all day Bobby Dylan and Thursday was all day Tom Petty. Now, who knows when they are on.
Anyway, of Dylan's theme a while back was Presidents. He had some "song poems" about Jimmy Carter and Richard Nixon. Song poems are what happens when you have a frustrated wannabe writer and an add for "setting your words to music." Probably going to go the way of the great speckled bird given our current technology, but a group of studio musicians would put down a groove and sing the thing. They work is pretty cynical; think vanity press sort of cynicism. The one about Nixon began with the title of this piece.
While I think it's pretty obvious that among the areas in which Twitshit de la Dweeb has been a disaster includes science, obviously other people have different ideas. Bush's thinking is more "magical" than scientific. Hell, this administration has surpassed the "trees cause pollution/ketchup is a vegtable" nonsense of the Reagan years. But, in much the same way as the author of the God gave us Nixon song, Bush's science adviser published something with a different take in Physics World
"Today, the scientific enterprise in the US is strong, highly productive and significantly greater than it was eight years ago. Contrary to popular mythology, President Bush has devoted more attention to science and technology in his official actions than most of his predecessors. Strains and imbalances exist among the various research fields, but the Bush administration has initiated programmes to address many of these on a prioritized basis. However, despite the magnitude of competing national needs and fiscal constraints affecting all domestic federal programmes, science in the US has moved forward substantially during the Bush years. "
While the commentators at Physics World aren't quite as feisty as those at less "Physics-y" sites, the link to Discover is interesting.
So, are these morons delusional or do they really believe that we're stupid? The Fox Commentator who suggested that Obama take rhetoric lessons from Twitshit was probably sincere. But, come on, gang. The best thing you can say about Bush and science is that he hasn't burned any witches. Is this just some very broad satire , as Improbable Research suggests? Probably not; on the other hand, the guy has a Stanford PhD in Physics and was President of SUNY-Stoney Brook which is probably the best school in the New York state system, especially in sciences. So, I'm wondering. He's about ten years older than I am-- perhaps the Bush administration reached out and found academics with early onset Alzheimer's to fill these roles?
Speaking of Improbable Research, it's a non-guilty pleasure. One of the AXE's profs at the Catholic West Point said that an educated individual should be able to read The Scientific American and understand it. Well, I struggle with it, but I think Dr. Wilson was absolutely correct. For your viewing pleasure...
I found so many interesting stuff in your blog especially the pictures. Thanks.
Posted by: Jordan 8 | 02 August 2010 at 08:22 PM