I hate people. really I do. I think I'd make a great lawyer. I would be very satisfied watching laws play out in the world of people. you created it, you proposed it, you heed it, now you can deal with it. I'd enjoy the perversity of it all. now knuckle up and buckle up your safety belt.
so I come in to work Friday morning to see a permit package on my chair that I have to review. part of my "job" and all is reviewing these things.
this one is special: it is a planset for a township employee. and I've been asked to streamline it. now typically our firm is given two weeks from the date we receive the package to get a review done and letter out. the guy is already calling one of my bosses about it, and it was only just submitted on Wednesday.
I am expecting a fruitcake come next holiday season.
and I was intractible with it. it usually takes six hours for this type of permit review. it, you know, took me eight. special circumstances and all. what kept me warm on one of the coldest days of the year thus far? the knowledge that the guy must keep up the balance of his escrow as we dip into it to bill our review. capice?
in fairness and all.
the funny part is, he ain't going nowhere. nada. zip. can you smell variance? it smells like cash to me. burning cash. I hope you have 2 spare mos. in your back pocket and a good lawyer, chump.
ask me if I fucking care.
"The two chief enemies of the free society or free enterprise are
intellectuals on the one hand and businessmen on the other, for
opposite reasons. Every intellectual believes in freedom for himself,
but he's opposed to freedom for others.…He thinks…there ought to be a
central planning board that will establish social priorities.…The
businessmen are just the opposite—every businessman is in favor of
freedom for everybody else, but when it comes to himself that's a
different question. He's always the special case. He ought to get
special privileges from the government, a tariff, this, that, and the
other thing…"
Milton Friedman
Mr. Fundamental is by far the most vicious of the Defeatists, and he is well tuned to the way the world works. Anyone stuck in the bureaucratic maw that is local government who defies his boss and inconveniences another bureaucratic type over a desired fruitcake or the possibility of the non-receipt of the required fruitcake is too well attuned. Daggers on the Senate floor, fruitcake in the cubicles -- far to vicious for a simple soldier like me...
As the Greeks had it...
First secure an independent income, then practice virtue.
Posted by: Crusader AXE | 28 January 2007 at 02:47 PM
I think this is like the root of inflation or something.
this version of transgress, however cleverly disguised as buddy-buddy, ayuh-ayuh, wink_wink, aw gee shucks, thanks, and I'd appreciate it...is still fun to play in and fuck with. where's mine, bitch? who is screwing who?
my boss definitely takes the passive role in anal sex, if he wilts so easily under such pathetic advances from joe buck out in the field. christ, I work for this moron?
who is putting on who, really.
Posted by: mr.fun | 28 January 2007 at 03:23 PM
mortgage before morals.
Posted by: mr.fun | 29 January 2007 at 04:40 AM