Back before most Americans remember anything, the house R's put out a contract on America; well, when the populace fell for it, some moderates said, not to worry -- they'll lose their edge faced with the need to govern. Funny thing -- they figured out that governing meant giving money to their friends, ie, the people who would give it back to them...
Cut to the Hamas victory. If there was ever a bunch of AXES of evil that we can get behind really hating, it's these clowns. So, given the obvious tie-in with our national interests, why haven't we immediately sent in the Iowa National Guard who are in between rotations to Iraq getting ready for Afghanistan and a girl scout troop to declare real democracy like we did in Iraq? The girl scout troop would provide cover for the Isreali free fire zones that would get set up...
Jon Stewart was priceless last night about this...Netanyahu or however you spell the next PM of Isrealis last name (Bibbi to his buddies, like Barbara Bush) was even better -- that they had created Gazaisthan and were a client state right now of Iran. Oh, right, the left side of the Crusader Axes of the Lost Causes just chirped in with the insight that Stewart was being satirical, and BibbiN was being serious.
So, when the Prez was able to get away from the dropping and swooping vulture of doom or microphone (Stewart on that: If that thing had been shiney, we'd have lost him for a month...) his response was exceptionally incoherent. I don't think anyone told the lad that democracy just means that the guy with the most votes wins...except here. Of course Bernard Henri-Levy was also excellent last night, when he told Stewart that Jon Stewart does have competition, George Bush...Stewart was more blown away than he was the time Viggo Mortensen kept pulling plastic snakes out of his water.
Will Hamas calm down when they have to run a democratic government? Well, let's look at the track record of revolutionary terrorist organizations that take power...Menachem Begin was kind of ok, I guess. So was Eamon DeValera. Not really, but close. Robspierre did a heckuva job. The ANC has sort of turned out ok, but the bar -- better than the Afrikanners -- was pretty low, and they started their turn at bat with Mandela. Will Isreal ever recognize a govenment with Hamas in it?
Well, Christopher Lyndon and Open Source had an interesting piece on this one... But, I don't think things are going to work out. The odds are always 60-40 against anyway.
I heard a simular phrase on NPR earlier, "they'll lose their edge faced with the need to govern," in refeerance to HAMAS. I always get a kick out of the Right when the rag on certain people for being negative of "defeatist" for being realistic. First thing I think to my self is, "hey, maybe I am?" Then I shake my head, and the though floats down to the ground like dandruff. The biggest difference between the Left and the Right is that that the Right is the same where ever you go.
Posted by: Fred | 27 January 2006 at 06:46 PM