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  • "I think they are all homosexual communists in Satan's army...I espect as well they all live together and bathe together every morning and have the anal sex with one another, with the fisting and the guinea pigs." - Manuel Estimulo

  • "motards" - Bravo Romeo Delta of Anticipatory Retaliation

  • "I can never quite tell if the defeatists are conservative satirists poking fun at the left or simply retards. Or both. Retarded satire, perhaps?" - Kyle

  • "You're an effete fucktard" - Jeff Goldstein of Protein Wisdom

  • "This is the most pathetic blog ever..." - Ames Tiedeman

  • "You two [the Rev and el Comandante] make an erudite pair. I guess it beats thinking." - Matt Cunningham (aka Jubal) of OC Blog

  • "Can someone please explain to me what the point is behind that roving gang of douchebags? I’m being serious here. It’s not funny, and doesn’t really make anything that qualifies as logical argument. Paint huffers? Drunken high school chess geeks?" - rickinstl

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17 December 2005


Robot Buddha


Robot Buddha

And in keeping with the Hopelessness theme, I'm keeping the "Type Pad Refugees" site on my Blogroll just in case something happens...

Neil Shakespeare

I am becoming more and more a convert to the Defeatist Ethos every day. Defeatism rocks!

Fred Bieling


comandante agi

Glad to hear that Neil. Our goal is to conquer the world by encouraging all sentient beings to capitulate.

No Blood for Hubris

Actual Buddhist point of view being misrepresented. FYI.

comandante agi

Damn. I am defeated once again.

Care to explain No Blood for Hubris?

No Blood for Hubris

Could--but mightn't that defeat the whole purpose?

comandante agi

If you leave a comment saying that I'm wrong then please at least explain why I am wrong. It should be easy considering I know nothing.

rev. quitter

it's true. he knows very little.

comandante agi

I do know one thing however. If I were to ever meet the Buddha then I should kill him.


What about despair?
Look, I see the appeal in hopelessness when you can afford to surrender to your limitations, but despair over the possibility of ameliorating unbearable conditions leads to suicide. Hopelessness leads to despair, despair leads to suicide, if not hope and encouragement, what would you offer someone existing in unbearable circumstances?

comandante agi

What about despair?

You are thinking in terms of opposites. Hanh does not encourage hopelessness. His point is that hope is an obstacle that prevents one from experiencing the present. He is not advocating the opposite of hope. Rather he argues that one should enjoy the present as opposed to waiting for something in the future.

Hopelessness leads to despair, despair leads to suicide, if not hope and encouragement, what would you offer someone existing in unbearable circumstances?

Nowhere do I advocate being hopeless and nowhere to I encourage despair. I do realize the trap posed by eternal hoping.

People undergoing unbearable circumstances should consult professional help, not a satirical website run by a bunch of slackers. Furthermore, this philosophy is not intended for anyone other than myself (and my fellow defeatists! who may or may not agree with me). If you’re curious about the odd amalgamation of what is defeatism, then read this.

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