I had this great post I lost awhile back. it was really quite excellent, or not. until the hobbit motherfuckers ate it. or smoked it, whichever version of perfect you prefer.
the premise of the gloriously forgotten post of infinite reason was that apathy is the logical end of political action. really, if you think about it, what keeps people at home on election day? is it grossly widespread and unchecked nihilism? or does that make too much sense in your demented view that you're the only person on the planet that matters, and as said VIP:
a. why doesn't everyone else care as much as I do?
b. why doesn't anyone else see the crap that's going on all around and want to do something about it?
c. my candidate reflects my values and understands where I am coming from.
guess what folks, democracy is a fraud. nobody really cares, unless they're going to feel better about themselves because of it, or benefit in some tangible way. damn do gooders. and nobody can really understand where you're coming from. but they can tell you where to go, and where you might find your head.
safety is an illusion.
I fucking hate children. always being cute and asking cute little questions. like everything on the planet is new and has never been seen or done or thought before. so special. and I'm sure that they hate me almost as much as they should.
if children could vote, do you think they'd outlaw using children for political gain? for the children, of course.
the children!
oh! the humanity.
the less people have to get out of bed, the better their lives are, right? why vote, things are fine the way they are. is that not the ultimate goal of political action? so 50-60% of Americans are completely satisified with the way things are. why complain? does that mean if the other 40-50% of Americans get things their way, the 50-60% previously satiated Americans will become politically active? I just don't see how we'll ever be happy. (I just don't see how America will ever be complete.)
America will be complete as a nationstatecountryhoorahwagon when 100% of the people no longer find it necessary to vote.
life would be THAT good. so buck up you little whiners. fix what's actually wrong in your little world, because that's the only thing you can change, if that. and stop voting Tiffanydamnit. it's pointless. political action is an oxymoron. or just moronic.
give the fucking voting up, America. it's useless. we have you surrounded. we, the COULD-GIVE-A-FLYING-FUCK-LESS have you, you WHO-THINK-YOU-ACTUALLY-MATTER surrounded like the CHUMPCHANGE you ARE.
I surrender.
not only is democracy a fraud but the U.S. version of it is downright anti-democratic. let's put aside, for the moment, just how rephrensible our elected leaders can be. representative? how can that be when rhode island has the same number of senators as california?
Posted by: the quitter | 29 November 2005 at 12:43 PM
You have a fine way of slashing through idealism, Mr. Fundamental. Your description of the ethos of "do-gooder" liberal political activism is one of my main peevs with liberals in general.
In the end, democracy may be a joke, but it's the best there is. I'm not sure where that leaves us. We get the choice of a broken & flawed system versus no system at all. No system would be nasty, brutish and short I assume.
Posted by: comandante agi t. prop | 29 November 2005 at 01:02 PM
I'm glad to see we're all americans, here.
Posted by: mr fun | 29 November 2005 at 02:09 PM
Defeatism is the American ethos of the 21st Century. If you need any proof, just look at the proliferation of celebrity news and ambivalence to endless war, Global Warming, and abuse of power. Thank God there's plenty of methamphetamine in this country to artificially stimulate some type of reaction to stimuli.
Posted by: e_five | 12 April 2006 at 10:55 AM
Posted by: mohammadreza | 03 July 2007 at 03:10 AM